Secondary School of the Future
The vision of the Pronea project is to transform, by quality education, the Upper Nitra region into a place worth working and living. However, we believe that the Pronea concept will have a positive impact far beyond the region.
We are a school with a vision
Pronea’s mission is to build a community ecosystem that will transform the Upper Nitra region through education and character development. It will, at the same time, change society from within, in the spirit of strong integrity of an individual.
Pronea’s aim is to promote quality education aimed at versatile development of the student, with emphasis on human values, reflecting the changing needs of society.
We want to reshape the region and focus on three specific areas: new education, humane technologies and innovation. We can see that the past forming this region (footwear industry, mining) no longer brings enough opportunities. We therefore want to move Partizánske and the surrounding region towards new areas of development. We have the ambition for Partizánske to be seen as one of the main cities dedicated to education, innovation and humane technologies.
The fields of study and areas that Pronea wants to offer its students are primarily topics of the future – smart technologies; the environment; education; arts and sport.
The Pronea concept also wants to address the practical issues of the future: How will we be educated? How will we live? What will we eat and drink? How will we travel? What about the waste? What will the production process look like? What to do to make innovation and information technology humane?
The Pronea ecosystem aims to create an attractive region for society. Through its concept, offer and opportunities it intends to motivate people to come back to Partizánske.
Už teraz tvoríme kvalitný obsah
The vision
will become a reality
už v roku 2024
Pronea is about the people who make it up
Desiatky dobrovoľníkov každodenne usilovne pracujú v pilieroch Pronea, aby prispeli k zlepšeniu života v regióne. Pridaj sa k nám aj ty!
Pronea is built on six pillars
Projekt Pronea napĺňa svoju misiu a víziu prostredníctvom pilierov, ktoré sa navzájom prepájajú a spolupracujú. Všestranný rozvoj osobnosti a dobrého charakteru študenta je pritom jedným z hlavných zameraní projektu.
The fundamental pillars of our educational process are largely identic with the so-called Bata’s educational concept. According to Bata, the school was supposed not only to be a preparation for life, but the life itself. It is a so-called pragmatic pedagogy that emphasises, among other things, creativity and initiative of the student. The moral code that Bata has enforced is equally important to us.
Moral principles, combination of work and social life in the educational process as well as the combination of school and real life promoted in Bata’s schools are some of the important principles that Pronea wants to offer, too. Even today, the approach of Bata’s school is the ideal concept for us – combining traditional Christian moral values and innovative teaching methods that promote the connection of learning and practice.
Our goal is to implement project teaching of the Pronea students in cooperation with mentors, corporate experts of Innovation Hub partner companies and with Pronea Academy pedagogues. Students will be led and encouraged to discover their talents and develop their potential in a particular business, non-profit or innovation project.
Thus, the Pronea Academy student will not only gain education, but also practical work experience, the opportunity to do business, the space for creativity and the protection of his/her own patents, which remain their intellectual property.
Our goal is to implement project teaching of the Pronea students in cooperation with mentors, corporate experts of Innovation Hub partner companies and with Pronea Academy pedagogues. Students will be led and encouraged to discover their talents and develop their potential in a particular business, non-profit or innovation project.
Thus, the Pronea Academy student will not only gain education, but also practical work experience, the opportunity to do business, the space for creativity and the protection of his/her own patents, which remain their intellectual property.
Contact us
Contact address:
Ul. 1. mája 226/6
958 01 Partizánske