We bring 21st century education

Education that prepares young people to succeed in the rapidly changing world of the 21st century.

"INAK" (Different) Future Center

V spolupráci s Nadáciou Pontis vytvárame mimoškolské centrum, 
v ktorom žiakom a žiačkam 2. stupňa ZŠ ponúkame 
3- ročný vzdelávací program 
zameraný na podnikavosť, digitálne 
a mäkké zručnosti.

Annual entrepreneurship program for high schools

Through our entrepreneurship program, we aim to equip young people with the skills they need to be responsible, think critically, collaborate with others, and take initiative.

Pronea Academy Secondary Vocational School

We are preparing a secondary vocational school focused on entrepreneurship, digital skills, and English language communication skills, with a focus on shaping the student's character.

World-class education in our home

Pronea Academy's grand vision is to establish the first high school campus city in Slovakia.

A Pronea Academy student gains not only an education but also practical work experience, opportunities for creativity, a supportive community, valuable connections, and the chance to start their own business.